Simpatico Payments Received Reports Simpatico offers two reports that will show your company the payments you have received in a particular time period: the Payments Received report, and the Payments Received Detail report. Any payments logged on the Financials screen, the check-in screen, or in the Client Center will be reflected on these..
Author: cavuadmin
Simpatico Payments Applied Reports Simpatico offers two reports that will show your company information about the funds received that have been applied. The Payments Applied report is a summary report, and shows a high-level look at how much money was applied. All client payments in the requested date range are summed by Payment Method (check/cash/credit..
Billing for Clients The Simpatico billing process is simple once you’ve done it a few times, but here’s a guide to help until you’ve got the hang of things. Step 1 – Take a Payment Simpatico allows you to take client payments in 3 separate places: Appointment Calendar Check-In Window – Payment tab Client..
Appointment Colors Simpatico has a system-wide Appointment Color Code system that is based on the Client’s Appointment Status. Pending appointments will show in Ivory. Checked-in appointments will show in Green. No Showed appointments will show in Red. This is not a configurable element within Simpatico. Appointment Borders The client configurable element of the calendar..
Using Client Designations to Share Information Quickly Simpatico’s Client Designation features allows you to use system-provided icons to relay information about clients across your company in a subtle, easy-to-identify manner. At present, Simpatico offers the following Icons/Designations: Users in a Supervisor role can set designations for Clients within the Client Center on the Detail..
New Client Registration The first step in the Simpatico process is to register your new Client. To do so, click on “Registration” in the Menu Navigation Bar. Pending Registrations When the Registration page loads, any Pending Registrations that have previously been saved will show up on the Registrations screen. For more details on..
Pending Registrations When the Registration page loads, any Pending Registrations that have previously been saved will be listed on the screen (in the order that their registrations were begun). A client becomes a “Pending Registration” when users click “Save” rather than “Complete” in the New Registrations screen. This typically occurs when you are still awaiting..
Simpatico has built-in appointment reminders for your company. These can go out via email, phone, or text message. Email Appointment Reminders Email reminders are provided by CAVU at no cost to you. All email appointment reminders are sent out on the day prior to a client’s appointment at 7:00 a.m. Phoenix, AZ time (GMT/UTC..
If you are interested in tracking where your clients are coming from, the Referrals By Type report is an excellent place to begin. This report, available to Front Office and Admin users, shows the Referral Types and Notes for all clients added within a particular timeframe. To access the report, navigate to Admin ->..
As a small business owner/employee, you have a plethora of tasks to do each day. You can’t waste time or run the risk of something not getting completed, so don’t leave anything to chance. Simpatico’s Task system allows you to schedule digital Tasks, or To-Do List items. You can schedule them for yourself, or..